Sunday, September 18, 2011
Please forgive the lack of posting. Life here in York, PA has been crazy, to say the least!
I'm not even sure when to start.......I'm thinking....Ok, first we had all the torrential rains from Tropical Storm Lee. The roof started leaking, which was a first.
I'm not even sure when to start.......I'm thinking....Ok, first we had all the torrential rains from Tropical Storm Lee. The roof started leaking, which was a first.
So, Art started repairing the roof. It didn't go well. The more he worked, the more he discovered a disintegrating roof. In between all the attempted repairs, it kept raining. Water got into two closets, ran down walls, drenched the carpet in one bedroom and generally made us crazy and created tons of work inside the house.
So, we started loading up the attic with pots to catch the rain before it could get into the house. While working in the attic, Art over reached and lost his balance and feel though the attic floor into one of the bedrooms down below. He broke a rib.
Oh, let me backtrack a little. Before all this rain stuff started, Art found out he is being transferred from the Frederick area to Baltimore at work. He's not happy about this. We decided at that point, to go ahead and put the house on the market, contacted a realtor and set up an appointment to have the realtor come in and do whatever it is they do. We also had a 20-foot dumpster delivered so we could start cleaning out all the construction materials and stuff that's been piling up in the barn and the summer kitchen and have everything looking neat and tidy.
Art's fall slowed him down quite a bit. He was no longer able to climb the ladders to work on the roof, pick up anything with any weight, in fact, he could barely walk. He spent all day yesterday in the emergency room, learning he had a broken rib, being told he can't work for 6-8 weeks or lift anything heavy. He came home from the ER drugged to the gills, got the on the tractor and mowed the grass.
Also yesterday, my wonderful brother-in-law, Marty's husband, Tim, came over and put a great temporary patch on the roof. The roof needs major repairs and we'll be getting roofers to come in and give us estimates this week.
I spent all day yesterday cleaning out the summer kitchen, running back and forth to the emergency room, getting prescriptions filled, mowing the grass that has to be push mowed and I fell into bed about 9:00.
I feel sure there is a lesson to be learned here, but I haven't quite grasped it yet. Don't plan too far ahead? Don't mess with Mother Nature? Any ideas??
I'm not planning to work too hard today! And I need to find a way to slow down Art. Last I saw him, he was working on patching a few spots in the stone walls of the house, hauling rocks around in a wheelbarrow....all while walking kind of sideways. He also tells me he's going to work tomorrow.
Wishing you all a wonderful Sunday!
(jewelry can be found in my Etsy shop: here!)
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Oh man... he sounds JUST like my fella. But then again, I have an awful time slowing down myself. :) Big hugs to you during your trials and tribulations!
So sorry for all the troubles you and Art have been going through. It is hard enough to have a leeky roof, but when Hubby fell, that made it so much worse~ Wishing you both better days ahead!!! The necklace is stunning, just awesome!
Thank you, both!